South Bend

Is Mishawaka making the best financial deal in buying Liberty Mutual building?

This article was written by Joe Ditts and originally posted in the South Bend Tribune MISHAWAKA — The idea of pulling city hall, the police station and utilities offices into one downtown space — the Liberty Mutual Insurance building at Lincoln Way and Main Street — could save the hulking 93,556 square feet of office

Is Mishawaka making the best financial deal in buying Liberty Mutual building? Read More »

How the Grandview Development Finds Success in the Midst of Changing Retail Climate

Grandview Retail Anticipates Thriving Community With Bar Louie Leading The Way With Relocation It is no secret that the retail apocalypse is affecting our country. Many well-known stores and retail giants have closed their doors including some popular ones we had here in the Michiana area. K-Mart, Charlotte Russe, and Payless ShoeSource are just a

How the Grandview Development Finds Success in the Midst of Changing Retail Climate Read More »